Gear for sale

My custom amps and preamps

I am semi-retired, but I do produce a few prototype units, and now and then I have something for sale.  If I have something it will be listed here.  I am NOT taking orders to produce new equipment.  My current designs are being manufactured by Spatial Audio Lab in Utah.  You can see them here. Currently I have: Final prototype of the production Raven preamp!!! $3,995 US$-   SORRY, it sold overnight! This is identical to the current production Raven preamp that Spatial Audio Lab is manufacturing under license from Lynn Olson and I.  It comes with a set of the fabulous Ray Reserve 6SN7 tubes.  The only difference is this preamp display says “D Sachs Audio” instead of Spatial audio lab, but the panel set is labelled Spatial Audio Lab.  Also, the little 12V trigger jacks on the rear are NOT connected, so no trigger.  Other than that it is the production version, which you can see here: As you can see, that version is selling for $6,000.  I built this one in the final case with their panel set.   It sounds wonderful, but I have prototypes of other, more expensive preamps that I am currently using, so I will part with this one.  So if you can live without the trigger jacks and want to save some money…..  NOTE:  I have no idea of the current tariff situation if you want it shipped to the USA.  It changes daily.   This is made in Canada, by me.  There are a few things we can do to lessen the effect, so if you are interested contact me.   Unfortunately, this particular preamp only has a single primary on the AC transformer and therefore cannot be wired for 240V so if you are in Europe or Asia you would need a converter.


© Don Sachs, 2015
Vintage Tube Audio  Restoration and Repair